Marine activity including boating and water based recreation have long been considered as part of Ballina’s identity and are an important aspect of Ballina’s present and future economy.
Our community has consistently expressed a desire for more foreshore embellishment and a greater diversity of marine infrastructure for Ballina.
Ballina Shire Council is currently undertaking the Ballina Marina Master Plan project that will prepare a master plan to encourage and facilitate enhanced marine infrastructure and other uses at what is commonly known as the Ballina Trawler Harbour site in West Ballina.
The objectives of this project are to:
- Determine opportunities, constraints, environmental values, planning issues and community views
- Identify the preferred uses of the site for decision making and redevelopment
- Produce a master plan that encourages future investment in the site
As Ballina Shire Council is not a land owner within the study area, the intention of the master plan project is to prepare a package of material to assist Government and private interests when considering the site for future investment and redevelopment.
Let Council know what you think should be considered when planning for this site.
Complete: The online survey Ballina Marina Master Plan survey at (survey closes 8 July 2016)
Visit: our website
Write to: Ballina Marina Master Plan, Ballina Shire Council, PO Box 450, Ballina, NSW 2478
Phone: Council’s Strategic and Community Facilities Group 6686 1284